The Seed Library runs every year from March to November and offers donated seeds to members of the community. The seeds are free and you do not need a library card to take some, though we do ask you to limit your choosings to three packets. Here’s how it works:

Flip through the drawers of seeds and choose up to three packets of seeds. Seeds are organized by Flowers, Native, Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit.

Check the seeds out by writing your name, the name of the seeds, and the quanitity in the binder. We also have free educational growing guides specific to the seeds offered. Please take those with you to help your seeds be as successful as possible!

Take the seeds home and grow them all season long.

Once the plants have matured, collect seeds from the healthy ones, dry them out, and place in the donation form envelope. Return to the library to help us start up the next season.


Seed Library Donation Form

Growing From Seed

Seed Saving

UNH Extension: Yard & Garden

The Old Farmer’s Almanac