Since most of the information in the database came initially from Dow’s History of Hampton we did not bother to cite the source for this information. In this work, Dow lists each surname in alphabetical order with each family therein in approximate chronological order starting with the family’s progenitor. As new sources of information are added, they will be cited. When no source is cited, this usually means it is from Dow. Source information can be found at the bottom of each individual’s record, with any biographical notes about the person. As a result of the way the database is organized on the web every individual has their own separate section with links connecting them to their relatives. If an individual has no source notes it may not be because the information was from Dow, but rather because the source information is under a family member’s name. Always remember to check other close family members for source information. Many times a person is added to the database only because they are the parent or child of someone more fully treated.
Journal Articles
We have added much information from genealogical journal articles on Hampton families to the database. To date, information from the following articles has been added:
Adams, Clayton Rand.
“Moulton Annals, Additions & Corrections” [The Essex Genealogist, November 1992]
Anderson, Robert Charles.
“John Smith of Watertown, Massachusetts” [The American Genealogist, Jan-Apr 1985]
Anderson, Robert Charles.
“The English Ancestry of Jeffrey Mingay of Hampton, N.H.” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, October 1991]
Anderson, Robert Charles.
“Philemon Dalton of Hampton, His Wife, and a Clue to his English Origin”, [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, April/July 1992] ; and “Dalton Addendum” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, January/April 1993]
Anderson, Robert Charles.
“The Ancestry of the Royally Descended Mansfields of the Massachusetts Bay” [New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Jan 2001]
Baldic, Eleanor G. and Sanborn, Melinde Lutz.
“Samuel Page and Mary Godfrey and Huldah Shaw: What Dow Didn’t Tell Us” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, Jan/Apr 2001]
Bartlett, Elizabeth French.
“The English Ancestry of Henry Ambrose of Hampton” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, April/July 1992]
Belcher, Jane.
“Searching for the Parentage of Daniel Leavitt of Waterborough and Clinton, Maine” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, January 2004]
Black, Kathryn Smith.
“Charles Chase, Hatter, of Kingston, N.H., and Two Generations of His Descendants” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, July 2003, October 2003]
Clark, David Lang.
“John Mills of Bristol, England and Portsmouth, New Hampshire” [New England Historical and Genealogical Register, January 1999]
Delorey, Janet Ireland
Which Mary is the Wife of Leonard Weeks of Greenland, New Hampshire? [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, October 1998]
Delorey, Janet Ireland and Sanborn, Melinde Lutz.
“New Thoughts on the Family of Leonard Weeks,” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, July 2002]
Dieterich, Harriet Hall.
“The Goss Family of Portsmouth (Rye), New Hampshire,” [The Essex Genealogist, May 1993]
Farnham, Russell C.
“The Longfellow Family,” [The Essex Genealogist, February 1995, May 1995, August 1995, November 1995]
Fifield, Glen and Fifield, Peter Wells.
“Fifield Origins,” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, April 2003]
Fiske, William Wyman
“The Wall Family of Essex” [The American Genealogist, April and July 2005]
Fitzpatrick, Marilyn.
“Some Descendants of John Place of Portsmouth, New Hampshire” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, Jan. 2000, Jul./Oct. 2001, Jan. 2002, and April 2002, Jan 2003, April 2003]
Hansen, James L.
“The Family of Joshua and Abigail (Weeks) Brackett of Greenland and Falmouth” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, Jan 2003]
Harris, Gale Ion
“Michael and Mary (Husse) Towsley of Suffield in Massachusetts: Wayward Ancestors and Redeeming Descendants” [The Genealogist, Spring 2009]
Henry, Marian S.
“Hannah Partridge, Wife of Edward Gove of Hampton, New Hampshire,” [New England Historical and Genealogical Register, January 2010]
Hill, George J.
“Pilgrim Contemporaries: Was James Prescott of Hampton, New Hampshire (in 1665), the Son of Sir William and Margaret (Babington) Prescott (bp. 1637/8), for Whom an Arrest Warrant Was Issued in 1659/60?”, [Mayflower Quarterly, Sept. 2008]
Hollick, Martin E.
“Who Were the Parents of Hopley Yeaton?” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, April 2003]
Hyde, Myrtle Stevens
“Revised Ancestry for William Moulton of Hampton, New Hampshire, Including Some Revisions of the Early Ancestry of His New England Cousins,” [New England Historical and Genealogical Register, July 2009]
Johnson, Caleb
“The Probable English Origin of Mayflower Passenger Peter1 Browne, and his Association with Mayflower Passenger William1 Mullins, with new information on William1 Mullins, and his association with later New England immigrants Stockdale1 Coddington and Christopher1 Hussey” [The American Genealogist, Vol. 79, No. 3, July 2004]
King, Robert R.
“Samuel Gould (1698-c1779) of Amesbury, Massachusetts, and Berwick, Maine” [The Maine Genealogist, Feb 2010]
Kirkpatrick, Kenneth W. and John A. Brayton
“Cottoniana, or, ‘That Cotton-Pickin’ Somerby!” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, October 1999]
Langlois, Andrew P. and Wambold, Alan R.
“Identification of Israel Clifford of Protectworth [Springfield], N.H., 1790” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, July 2003]
Larson, Janna Bennington.
“Thoughts on the Identity of Martha, Wife of Aaron Blake of Hampton Falls, New Hampshire” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, April 2003]
Larson, Janna Bennington.
“Two New Descendants of Joseph and Mary Davis of New Hampshire” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, Jan. 2003]
MacAllan, Barbara.
“More Thoughts on the Moulton Family” [New England Historical and Genealogical Register, April 1993]
Mahler, Leslie
“English Records for Stockdale Coddington of Roxbury, Massachusetts” [The American Genealogist, Vol. 79, No. 3, July 2004]
Moulton, Joy Wade.
“Some Doubts About the English Background of the Moulton Family” [New England Historical and Genealogical Register, July 1990]
Pepper, Alice Warwick.
“Daniel Elkins, First Minister of Jackson, N.H.: His Patrilinear Ancestry and Some of His Descendants” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, July 1993]
Made available here with permission of the publisher.
Plummer, John.
“Two John Jacksons from Dartmouth, Devon” [New England Historical and Genealogical Register, January 1990]
Principie, Bill.
“Thomas Canney of Dover” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, Jan. 2002]
Rand, T.J.
“Margaret Richardson, Wife of Reuben Sanborn of Hampton, New Hampshire” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, Jan/April 2010]
Sanborn, George Freeman, Jr.
“Elizabeth Dearborn of North Hampton” [New England Historical and Genealogical Register, January 1985]
Sanborn, George Freeman, Jr.
“The First Wife of John Fifield” [The American Geneaogist, January 1979]
Sanborn, George Freeman, Jr.
“Joseph3 Dow’s Second Wife, and the Byfield Crew” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, July 1990, October 1990, January 1991, April/July 1991, October 1991, April/July 1992, January/April 1993, and October 1993]
Sanborn, George Freeman, Jr.
“Rev. Stephen Bachiler of Hampton: Some Additional Information” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, January 1991]
Sanborn, George Freeman, Jr.
“Robert Drake’s Two Wives” [New England Historical and Genealogical Register, April 1984]
Sanborn, George Freeman, Jr.
“Solving a Typical New Hampshire Research Problem: Will the Real Jonathan Leighton Please Stand Up?”, [New England Ancestors, Premiere Issue, 2000]
Sanborn, George Freeman, Jr. and Melinde Lutz Sanborn.
“The Dalton Cluster: Timothy Dalton, Philemon Dalton, Richard Everard, and Deborah (Everard) Blake” [New England Historical and Genealogical Register, July 2000]
Sanborn, George F., Jr. and Ullmann, Helen Schatvet.
“Some Descendants of Robert Mason of Boston, Massachusetts” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, Oct. 2003]
Sanborn, Melinde Lutz.
“Fornication Cases in Turn of the Century New Hampshire,” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, April 2003]
Shaw, Edgar Joseph.
“The English Origin of Roger and Ann Shaw of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Hampton, New Hampshire”, [New England Historical and Genealogical Register, October 2004]
Sowl, LeRoy W.
“Thoughts on the Two Mary Fifields of Early Hampton” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, January/April 1993]
Stevens, Ken.
“Gowen Wilson of Hingham, Exeter, and Kittery” [New England Historical and Genealogical Register, July, October 2008]
Stott, Clifford L.
“The English Origin of Richard1 Swaine of Hampton, New Hampshire, and Nantucket” [The American Genealogist, October 1999]
Made available here with permission of the author and publisher.
Stott, Clifford L.
“Sarah Waters, Second Wife of Nathaniel2 Sanborn of Hampton, New Hampshire” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, October 1996]
Wells, Peter F.
“The Family of Edward5 Fifield of Salisbury and Plainfield, New Hampshire” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, January 2009]
Wells, Peter F.
“More on the Family of Jonathan5 Fifield of Epping, N.H.” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, January 2004]
Wells, Peter F.
“Some Descendants of Ezra Fifield of Salisbury, New Hampshire” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, Jan/Apr 2001]
Wheeler, Richard S.
“A Note on the Antecedents of John and Mary (Shard) Gove, of London and Charlestown” [New Hampshire Genealogical Record, October 1994]
Other Secondary Sources
Anderson, Joseph Crook II.
Maine Families in 1790. [Camden, Me. : Picton Press, 1988-]
Anderson, Robert Charles.
The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633 [Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995-96]
Anderson, Robert Charles, George F. Sanborn, Jr., Melinde Lutz Sanborn.
The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635 [Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1999-2011]
Batchelder, Charles H.
Batchelder/Bachilder genealogy through Rev. Stephen Bachiler’s son Stephen Bachilder : (A correction of the work on this family by Pierce) [manuscript] / Compiled by Charles Batchelder through 1936 ; edited and prepared by Carl W. Brage, 1985 This book is available online on the library’s website.
Bennett, Randall H.
A Fifield Genealogy: Some Descendants of William Fifield of Ipswich and Newbury, Massachusetts, and Hampton, New Hampshire [Privately Printed, 1989]
Berry, June.
Descendants of William Berry and Jane of Strawberry Bank, to and including the fifth generation [Salt Lake City : Privately printed, 1992-98]
Blake, Carlton E.
Descendants of Jasper Blake, emigrant from England to Hampton, N.H., ca. 1643, 1649-1979 [Salem, Mass. : Higginson Book Co., 1980]
Brown, Warren
History of the town of Hampton Falls, New Hampshire : from the time of the first settlement within its borders, 1640 until 1900 [Manchester, N.H.: J.R. Clarke, 1900]
Brown, Warren
History of Hampton Falls, N.H., volume II : containing the church history and many other things not previously recorded [Concord, N.H.: Rumford Press, 1918]
Census Records, United States, 1790-1930.
Chase, John Carroll and George Walter Chamberlain.
Seven generations of the descendants of Aquila and Thomas Chase [Camden, ME: Picton Press, 1993, c1928]
Clark, Susannah J. and Richard Curl.
The Vital Records of North Hampton, NH. Volume 1 Town Records: 1738-1860 Church Records 1739-1900 [Melrose, MA: CV Publishing, 2009]
Clunies, Sandra MacLean, CG.
Family History of Sandra MacLean Clunies [1995]
Cram, Michael A.
The Cram Sourcebook [Bowie, Md. : Heritage Books, 1996]
Davis, Walter Goodwin.
Massachusetts and Maine families in the ancestry of Walter Goodwin Davis (1885-1966) : a reprinting, in alphabetical order by surname, of the sixteen multi-ancestor compendia (plus Thomas Haley of Winter Harbor and his descendants) compiled by Maine’s foremost genealogist, 1916-1963 [Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1996]
Hampton, Town Report, various years.
Hampton Union, Newspaper obituaries, various.
Hosier, Kathleen.
Vital records of Rye, New Hampshire : a transcript of the births, baptisms, marriages, and deaths in this town to the year 1890 [Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1992]
Hoyt, David Webster.
The old families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Massachusetts : a reprinting of the author’s full set of genealogical journals, 1897-1919 [Somersworth, NH : New England History Press, 1981 ; Originally published in 14 pts.: Providence, R.I. : Snow & Farnham, 1897-1919]
Hufbauer, Virginia Knowles.
Descendants of John Knowles, 1660-1978 [La Jolla, CA : Hufbauer, 1979]
Hunt, James K., Jr.
Hampton Vital Records and Genealogy, 1889-1986 [Portsmouth, NH: Peter E. Randall, 1988]
Jones, William Haslet.
Vital statistics of Seabrook, New Hampshire, 1768-1903 [Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1998]
Jones, William Haslet.
North Hampton, N.H., vital statistics, 1742-1942 [Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1999]
Lally, Thomas M.
The Ancestral Lines of Francis J. Lally of Amesbury, Massachusetts and Catherine R. Perkins of Hampton Falls, New Hampshire [Carlsbad, CA: Privately printed, 2001]
Locke, John G.
Book of the Lockes : a genealogical and historical record of the descendants of William Locke, of Woburn, with an appendix, containing a history of the Lockes in England, also of the family of John Locke, of Hampton, N.H., and kindred families and individuals [Boston : J. Munroe ; Salem, Mass. : reprinted by Higginson Book Co., 1998, c1853]
Marston, Nathan Washington.
The Marston genealogy : in two parts [Newburyport, Mass. : Parker River Researchers, 1985. Originally published South Lubec, Maine, 1888. Every name index under separate cover, created by Nathan Washington Marston]
Mitchell, Harry Edward, et al.
Exeter & Hampton, New Hampshire census & business directory, 1908 [Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1979]
Morton, Ann Tilden
The descendants of Edmund James through his son Benjamin of Hampton, New Hampshire : a genealogy in progress [Hampton, N.H.: James House Association, 2003]
Moulton, Henry W.
Moulton annals [Chicago : Edward A. Claypool ; Salem, Mass. : reprinted by Higginson Book Co., 1997, c1906]
Nichipor, Ruth L.
Vital statistics from the town records of Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, through 1899 [Hampton Falls: Hampton Falls Free Library, 1976]
Noyes, Sybil, Charles Thornton Libby and Walter Goodwin Davis.
Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire [Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1972, originally published 1928-1939]
Palmer, John Calvin.
A genealogical record of the descendants of William Palmer of Hampton, New Hampshire, 1638 [Colorado Springs, CO : J.C. Palmer, 1998]
Parsons, Langdon B.
History of the town of Rye, New Hampshire,$bfrom its discovery and settlement to December 31, 1903 [Concord, NH: Rumford Printing Co., 1905]
Pierce, Frederick Clifton.
Batchelder, Batcheller genealogy : descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, a leading non-conformist, who settled the town of New Hampton, N.H., and Joseph, Henry, Joshua, and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts [Bethany, OK: Ricardson Reprints, 1985, originally published 1898]
Robey, William Grafton.
Robey Roby Robie : the family history from early England to America [Bowie, Md. : Heritage Books, c1994]
Sanborn, George Freeman, Jr. and Melinde Lutz Sanborn.
Vital Records of Hampton, New Hampshire, to the End of the Year 1900 [Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, vol. 1, 1992 and vol. 2, 1998]
Sanborn, Victor Channing
Genealogy of the family of Samborne or Sanborn in England and America, 1194-1898 [Boston: Goodspeed’s, 1969]
Taylor, Harold Murdock.
Family history : Anthony Taylor of Hampton, New Hampshire, founder, pioneer, town father, and some of his descendants, 1635-1935 [Rutland, Vt. : Tuttle, c1935]
Taylor, Harold Murdock.
Family History : Anthony Taylor of Hampton, New Hampshire : additions [Rutland, Vt. : Tuttle Publishing co., 1945.]
Whitten, Phyllis O.
Samuel Fogg, 1628-1672 : his ancestors and descendants [Medina, Wash. : Whitten, c1976]